1. 睡前六個小時不攝取咖啡因。咖啡、茶、可樂及巧克力這些含有咖啡因的食物都需要避免攝取。
2. 睡前四個小時不要吃重口味、辛辣或含糖的食物,不過吃點小點心倒是無傷大雅。
3. 建立就寢及起床的儀式流程,盡量保持規律,午睡時間不要超過45分鐘,如果您晚上無法入眠,白天也盡量不要睡覺。
4. 使用舒適、乾淨的寢具,並確保寢具符合您的睡眠姿勢,想了解更多關於不同睡眠習慣及姿勢的訊息,請點擊此篇文章。
5. 盡量避免螢幕或亮光(手機、平板電腦、電腦、電視等),尤其是睡前2-3小時,盡量不要接觸螢幕藍光,將手機切換為夜間模式,並盡量嘗試在白天暴露於陽光之下,這會幫助您建立自然的睡眠周期,從而提供更好的睡眠品質。
6. 確保您的臥室乾淨、乾淨及平靜 (就像您個人舒適的堡壘),嘗試避免過多的噪音及光線。
7. 避免在睡前四小時攝取過量的酒精,並請盡量不要抽菸。
8. 保持舒適涼爽的睡眠溫度(16°C-19°C),並確保房間通風良好,這有助於您達到REM睡眠(Rapid Eye Movement深度睡眠),如果您的房間溫度高於24°C或低於12°C,可能會造成睡眠困難。
9. 定期做適量運動,這對您有好處,並且可以幫助您睡得更好,但是睡前盡量不要做運動。
10. 確保床只用於睡眠,避免在床上工作或處理其他事務。
*以上資訊來源: 世界睡眠協會
- Don’t consume caffeine 6 hours before bedtime. This means no coffee, tea, cola or chocolate.
- Don’t eat heavy, spicy or sugary foods 4 hours before bedtime. A light snack before bed is acceptable.
- Build a bedtime and waking time routine; try to keep the routine in order. Don’t exceed 45 minute naps. If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, do not sleep at all during the day.
- Use comfortable, clean bedding and make sure they’re suitable to your general sleep position. To learn more about different sleeping habits and positions click here.
- Try to avoid screens and bright lights (phone, tablet, computer, TV, etc.), especially blue light 2-3 hours before bedtime. Switch your phone to night dimming and try expose yourself to sunlight during the day. This will help you align your life cycle to nature’s cycle, providing better sleep.
- Make sure your bedroom is clean, quiet and calm (like a cozy little cave). Try to eliminate as much noise and light as possible.
- Avoid consuming excessive amounts of alcohol 4 hours before bedtime and don’t smoke.
- Keep a cool, comfortable sleep temperature (16oC-19oC) and make sure the room is well ventilated. This aids in reaching REM sleep (deep sleep). If your room temperature is more than 24oC or less than 12oC, it will be more difficult for you to sleep.
- Do some sort of exercise regularly. It’s good for you and will help you sleep better. But, do not exercise right before bed.
- Make sure you only use your bed for its designed purpose. Avoid using it for work or other general tasks.