


如何改善您的睡眠品質: 更認識自己-知識就是力量,覺知可以帶來更多力量。為了要有更好的睡眠品質,您必須了解自己以及自己的睡眠與生活習慣。完成以下問題,您能更輕鬆地改善自己的睡眠。

睡前什麼時間吃什麼?喝什麼? 您是否遵循重複的睡眠儀式流程?午飯後您會睡午覺嗎? 您的睡眠環境的外觀及感覺如何?是否乾淨通風良好?溫度是否適中? 您在床上使用手機、平板電腦、電腦或電視嗎?您的手機是在臥室充電嗎? 您如何應對日常生活壓力?您是否有入睡困難?或者是躺在床上很久卻無法入睡? 您的就寢姿勢為何?仰睡?俯睡?側睡?或混和型睡姿? 您的睡眠環境是否符合您個人需求? 

沒有所謂對或錯的睡眠姿勢,因為每種姿勢都各有利弊。 我們每個人都有不同的體型和體重,以及其他獨特的身心特徵和習慣。但是,有一些特定的睡眠方式更適合,更容易讓您入睡,但某些方式則可能不會,原因是這些方式和您的睡眠姿勢並不相符。 了解您的睡眠姿勢對於選擇對的枕頭、床墊、上墊非常重要。





What kind of sleeper are you? Learn your sleeping habits to help improve your sleep. How to improve your sleep:

Know thyself – Knowledge is power, awareness is strength.  

To sleep better, you first must know yourself and understand your sleeping and living habits. After you’ve done that, you can easily improve your sleep.

Let’s start with a few questions you can ask yourself:

What and when do you eat/drink before bed time? 

Do you follow a repetitive sleep routine? Do you take naps after lunch?

How does your sleep environment look and feel? Is it clean and well ventilated? Is the temperature cool? 

Do you use a mobile phone, tablet, computer or TV while in your bed? Do you charge your phone inside your bedroom?

How do you deal with daily stress? Do you have trouble falling asleep, lying in bed for a long time before dozing off?

What kind of sleeper are you? Meaning, are you a back/side/stomach/mixed sleeper? 

Is your sleeping environment suited for your personal needs?

Learn more about tips for better sleep.

There is no “right or wrong” posture for sleeping since every position has pros and cons. We each have a different body size and weight, as well as other unique physical and psychological characteristics and habits. BUT, there are specific sleep methods that are more suited for you and will help YOU sleep, and other methods that may not because they don’t correlate with your sleeping posture.

Knowing your sleeping position is very important in order to make sure your pillow, topper and mattress are suited for your needs.

Back Sleeper: make sure your mattress/topper is supportive but not too hard, so that it allows you to maintain the natural curve of your spine. The pillow should keep your head above your esophagus to prevent acid flowing up from your stomach. However, it should not be too high so as to avoid neck pain. You should also make sure you put the tip of your shoulders on the pillow and not let your neck hang alone on it. This will help with neck pain and spine alignment. You can also add a small pillow or a rolled towel under your knees to help keep good spinal posture. 

Side sleeper: Make sure your mattress/topper isn’t too firm as that will cause pressure on your shoulders and waste. The pillow should be firm and supportive and fill the space between your shoulders and the mattress to keep your neck aligned with your back. You can add a pillow between your knees to improve alignment and lower back pain.

Stomach sleeper: Make sure your sleeping surface is firm and supportive. If you can, try sleeping without a pillow. But if you must, use as thin of a pillow as possible. You can also add a pillow under your pelvis to help relieve spinal pressure.

In short, to help achieve a better night’s sleep, you should begin monitoring your sleeping habits and positions. After becoming more aware of them, you can start changing them for the better.